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My Lands - Gold tab



On the Gold tab you can find few pieces of information and do some stuff.

  1. On the left side you can find little bit more information about your land

  2. Below Land card you can find TRANSFER HERO butto, click it! You can bring heroes to the Land

2.1 The Transfer Hero Dialog shows heroes on the left, you can click any one.

2.2. Ot the center you can fin objective of the mission, it says whuch exactly Hero will be transfered to this particular Land

2.3 Click START button and wait, Hero on his way!

  1. The travel time depends on starting location.

3.1 If Hero only arrived to this world (Land #0) - he will be soon, may be 15-20 minutes.

3.2 If Hero was at the other Land, the journey could take some time. You will receive a message from Misaar, when Hero will arrive

  1. In the center of the tab you can find information about quantity of Gold ready to claim

  2. Claim the Gold, by clicking the button on the left. Pick the Hero and click Start. It eill take some time, Misaar will inform you when Hero will return with your Gold