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Blockchain Technology and MetaMask Wallet:

The game operates on blockchain technology and requires some familiarity with the MetaMask wallet. If you haven't used it before, take some time to get acquainted with its features.

Browser Compatibility:

Since the game runs on blockchain, it's only compatible with browsers. You'll need a desktop or laptop with a browser that supports the MetaMask wallet, such as Chrome or Brave.

Test Network and MetaMask Configuration:

The project is still in development and operates on a test network, specifically Arbitrum Sepolia. You'll need to configure your MetaMask wallet to connect to this network. Here's a link to add

Gas Fees and Sepolia Faucet:

Keep in mind that since it's a test network, you'll need to cover gas fees. Fortunately, you can obtain some free ETH tokens once a day from the Mumbai Faucet at arbitrum faucet.

Adding Contract Addresses:

Make sure to add the contract addresses for the WOCPTC and TSTUSD tokens to your configured Sepolia network.


WOCPTC 0x5826D7e5334d1c92AF4E233C4547247b2A4Ca255 TSTUSD 0xD816FDfb1F6B9633177E20aFcBE5DBA31A68185D

Requesting Test Dollars:

Finally, to get started, you'll need some test dollars. Simply message me on Discord in the appropriate channel, and I'll send them your way.

By following these steps, you'll be ready to jump into the gaming world hassle-free. Enjoy the adventure!