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The Land

The lands owned by players are part of the world of War of Continents. More specifically, they are part of the continent Alef. Therefore, it is first necessary to understand what a continent Alef is and what can be found out there.

In the War of Continents world, the Alef continent is a square grid with dimensions of 500 by 500. Each of the 250,000 cells in this grid can either be the holdings of one of the players or untamed wild territories.

Wild territories

Wild territories are practically equal in terms of gameplay and will serve as a place to complete some missions. Various tasks will appear in these territories, and by completing them, players will receive rewards.

Player-owned lands

Player-owned lands, which are mostly located closer to the center of the continent, are of greater interest. The land-minting algorithm strives to select random land coordinates within a certain radius around the continent’s center, with time passing by, the radius will gradually increasing. In other words, the earlier a land is minted, the closer it will be to the center of the map, which will bring certain advantages in the future.

When land is minted, it receives many attributes, including its rarity, element, the maximum number of buildings in the city, and the maximum number of resource buildings.

Land Rarity

Rarity determines the land’s landscape and can be, in increasing rarity: Valley, Forest, Mountain, River, and Arctic. Obviously, rarer lands will provide more benefits to their owner. The impact of land rarity will be felt as early as the second epoch, significantly affecting mission completion. Furthermore, some missions can only be completed on lands of a certain rarity. Land rarity

Land Elements

The levels of the elements on the land determine many things and can be upgraded by the player.

On one hand, the levels of the elements affect the rate at which gold is generated on the land: the higher the elemental levels, the more gold the land produces daily. Each element contributes separately to gold production, meaning that each elemental tower generates gold independently of the others, and the income from all four elements is summed up.

At the beginning, when the elements are not upgraded, each element produces 10 gold coins per day, and the land as a whole generates 40 coins. However, with each level of development (see the table below), productivity increases.


On the other hand, the levels of the elements determine the overall development level of the land and limit the maximum level of upgrades for other buildings on the land. In other words, the landowner can upgrade any building on the land only to a level that does not exceed the lowest elemental development level. This last property becomes important starting from the second era, when the ability to construct buildings becomes available.

Land Buildings

Land owned by a player also has its own structure. At its center is a city—a square area surrounded by protective walls. At the heart of the city is a castle, with numerous important buildings for gameplay surrounding it. The maximum number of buildings is limited by the attributes the land received during minting.

At the corners of the city center are the element towers, improving which increases gold production and allows for higher levels of building upgrades. In other words, upgrading the elements unlocks new possibilities for the development of the land’s buildings.

Land center

Each element tower has an elementals vault, which accumulates valuable resources for upgrading elements. Each vault can be protected by the seals of elements, reducing the rate of elementals leakage. Naturally, each tower has its own element level.

Resource Buildgs

Around the city on the land are resource buildings, the maximum number of which is also limited during land minting. Resource fields allow the harcest of essential resources for gameplay, such as food, wood, stone, and iron.

The owned Land

Beyond the resource fields, but still within the player’s holdings, lie wild lands where numerous interesting trophies can be found during missions. The level and value of these trophies heavily depend on the rarity of the land.

NFT Land

It is important to remember that the land is an NFT and can be sold or transferred to another player. It is worth noting that when such a transfer occurs, the levels of elements development, seals of elements level, and even the stock of elementals will be transferred to the new owner. However, the stock of resources and items in storage will remain with the previous owner.

The developers have a plan and vision for the future development of the WOC universe, which can be found in the roadmap section. However, we do not exclude the possibility that this vision will be clarified and substantially expanded as future stages are planned in more detail.